Chemical decontamination station


Chemical decontamination station :

Introduction: According to the developments taking place in the region regarding exposure to chemical hazards

Radiological and other weapons of mass destruction. And through meetings within Joint cooperation program with the US Army Central Command and with increasing danger

Terrorist groups possess weapons of mass destruction, including chemical agents And use it against populated cities, both civilians and military

The need has emerged to have an effective disinfection system that can absorb infected people and the presence of...

Large numbers of people and contaminated equipment

This system should be able to respond to any chemical pollution incidents and provide

Maximum protection and privacy for the injured. He must be independent and operate freely and smoothly

The task assigned to it is the process of purification

Arabic Jordan)  Definition of the station: The decontamination     station is an existing system that works to remove the agent

The chemical that affects infected individuals through the disinfection process inside

The station consists of four basic stages: the receiving stage, the receiving stage

The disinfection basin, the monitoring and monitoring stage, and the sign-off stage are carried out in each

The stage of a specific procedure.

Objectives of establishing the station.

  • To keep pace with all global developments and to combat weapons of mass destruction and the like Events and Threats of Kisawi pollution may occur at any time
  • Continuously qualifying and training healthcare providers on dealing with infected cases and the coping mechanism
  • The presence of a chemical disinfection station raises the international classification of hospitals and keeps pace with health developments Globalism

The presence of a disinfection station makes it easier for health care providers working in the emergency department to deal with

People infected with a chemical agent and how to deal with them