Trauma registry system :
A trauma registry is a system of timely data collection that aids in the evaluation of trauma care for a set of injured patients who meet specific criteria for inclusion. In addition to hospital-based trauma data, it also includes patient information from other health care providers, including pre-hospital care and rehabilitation
This system is the first of its kind in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and constitutes a national information bank for injuries and accidents, which was introduced in 2020.
The structure of trauma registry components are based apon the :
American Collage of Surgeons (ACS)
National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB)
National Trauma Data Standard (NTDS)
The Trauma-Registry-Process starts with:
Data Collection:
- Recording detailed information about trauma cases, including patient demographics, injury details, treatments, outcomes, and other relevant data.
-Abstraction and entry of high quality data to make large accurate database .
- Classification: Assigning appropriate classifications to injuries, treatments, and procedures, which helps in standardizing data for analysis and reporting
-Data Analysis: Analyzing trauma data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in trauma care and patient outcomes
-Reporting: Generating reports on trauma statistics, outcomes
Data entered into the system includes everything related to the patient in the following fields:
-Patient identification data
-The mechanism of injury and diagnosis
-Medical and surgical history
-All medical procedures
-Post-discharge plan
Participating in clinical and epidemiological research.